Period : 2024/3/29 - 2027/3/28
No. : 23524SZ0045ROM
Certification bodies : 杭州中奥质量认证有限公司
No. : 23524EZ0050ROM
No. : 23524QZ0057ROM
Period : 2023/7/17 - 2026/7/17
Certification bodies : American Petroleum Institute
Period : 2022/11/7 - 2023/11/7
Certification bodies : Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Period : 2023/5/18 - 2029/5/17
No. : CNAS L18358
Certification bodies : CNAS
Period : 2023/1/2 - 2028/1/1
No. : PML-T2316300
Certification bodies : ABS Shanghai
Period : 2021/9/29 - 2025/9/28
No. : AMMM00002ZZ
Certification bodies : Dalian NB& CMC
Period : 2019/3/15 - 2022/3/14
Certification bodies : SDCB
Period : 2018/10/13 - 2021/10/12
Certification bodies : Korean standards association
Period : 2021/10/27 - 2025/10/27
Certification bodies : BV Shanghai
Period : 2019/11/14 - 2022/11/13
Certification bodies : Lloyd's Register Verification
Period : 2021/8/23 - 2024/8/22
Certification bodies : Lloyd's Register Verification B.V.